From Dispositions to Possible Worlds Dániel Kodaj explores the connection between two major philosophical fields: possible worlds logic and the theory of causal powers/dispositions. From Dispositions to Possible Worlds Dániel Kodaj explores the connection between two major philosophical fields: possible worlds logic and the theory of causal powers/dispositions.
The Tyrant and the Saint Levente Nagy's study, which has also been awarded the Faculty Publication Prize, analyzes 15th-century stories and portraits of the voivode Dracula. The Tyrant and the Saint Levente Nagy's study, which has also been awarded the Faculty Publication Prize, analyzes 15th-century stories and portraits of the voivode Dracula.
Do native speech sounds matter in language learning? Andrea Deme (ELTE) also contributed to the research examining perceptual overlaps. Do native speech sounds matter in language learning? Andrea Deme (ELTE) also contributed to the research examining perceptual overlaps.
Assessing Academic Reading Ability The book authored by Gyula Tankó investigates the academic reading behaviours of university students with an integrated language assessment task. Assessing Academic Reading Ability The book authored by Gyula Tankó investigates the academic reading behaviours of university students with an integrated language assessment task.
Motivation, autonomy and emotions in foreign language learning A book has been published that covers the investigation of a wide range of individual differences in concert. Motivation, autonomy and emotions in foreign language learning A book has been published that covers the investigation of a wide range of individual differences in concert.
An extraordinary Copper-Age Hoard from South Transdanubia The researchers analyzed the provenance of the copper objects of the Magyaregres hoard and the reconstruction steps of the manufacturing process. An extraordinary Copper-Age Hoard from South Transdanubia The researchers analyzed the provenance of the copper objects of the Magyaregres hoard and the reconstruction steps of the manufacturing process.
New research group has been founded The Roman World and the Far East Research Group belongs to the Confucius Institute. New research group has been founded The Roman World and the Far East Research Group belongs to the Confucius Institute.
Ancient footprint discovered by archaeologists in Komárom Ancient footprint discovered by archaeologists in Komárom
In the footsteps of early hermints and medieval monks Archaeological excavations have been contucted in the Bakony Hills, including Bakonybél Benedictine monastery and a hermit's cave. In the footsteps of early hermints and medieval monks Archaeological excavations have been contucted in the Bakony Hills, including Bakonybél Benedictine monastery and a hermit's cave.
1,400 years old mystery of origins of avars is solved A multidisciplinary research team of geneticists, archaeologists and historians from various universities obtained and studied the first ancient genomes... 1,400 years old mystery of origins of avars is solved A multidisciplinary research team of geneticists, archaeologists and historians from various universities obtained and studied the first ancient genomes...