Hungarian Language Courses
Learn Hungarian language at ELTE

Hungarian language and culture courses for ELTE Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship holders
If you are a first-year Stipendium Hungaricum student, you must learn Hungarian in the first two semesters of your studies. Please check details here.
Hungarian language courses for ELTE students
If you are an international student enrolled at ELTE (e.g., Erasmus student, other exchange student or guest student, or degree-seeking student), and would liek to learn Hungarian during the semester on a regular language course, you can apply for the General Hungarian language course in Neptun system during the "first-come-first-served" course registration period.
Also, if you are a Stipendium Hungaricum student, who have finished the two semesters of mandatory Hungarian course and want to continue Hungarian classes, you can also apply for the General Hungarian language course in Neptun system during the "first-come-first-served" course registration period.
The courses are free of charge for enrolled ELTE students. Further info on the issue will be sent to all students at the beginning of each semester.
Hungarian language courses for non-ELTE students
If you are not a student of ELTE, but would like to study Hungarian, ELTE offers courses at different levels for a fee. Please click here for the details.
Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture
If you want to learn Hungarian during the summer, please apply for the Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture.
Intensive Hungarian Foundation Course (2 semesters)
If you want to study intensive Hungarian (e.g., because you want to enrol for a degree program in Hungarian afterwards), you can apply for the Intensive Hungarian Foundation Course.
The Intensive Hungarian Foundation Course, designed to anyone interested in the Hungarian language and culture is the ideal way to jump-start your future academic or professional life in Hungary. With a minimum of 800 contact hours guaranteed, the course can bring you up to speed in as little as two semesters.
Divided into two terms, the aim of the course is to provide students with a system of tools allowing them to successfully manage communicational situations arising in the target language environment and enabling them to comprehend factual texts containing the basic structures of the language, in both reading and writing. For more details, please visit this page.
Hungarian BA
If you want to take your Hungarian to the next level and graduate in Hungarian studies, you can apply for the Hungarian BA program.