Dear non-ELTE applicants! In the spring semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025, we will not offer General Hungarian Language Courses for 'non-ELTE applicants'. Up-to-date information about Hungarian language courses offered to 'non-ELTE applicants' in the autumn semester of the Academic Year 2025/2026 will be posted on this website in May 2025. Please check back later. Thank you for your understanding!

Dear ELTE applicants*! Registration for the spring semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025 will be available via Neptun (student registration system) from 10 a.m. on 11.02.2025 until 4 p.m. on 14.02.2025. (The list of available courses will be visible in Neptun from 03.02.2025.) Please note that there is a limited number of places, thus the registration happens on a "first-come-first-served" basis. (*Incoming exchange students, guest students, students enrolled for a degree program at ELTE. For more detailed information, please scroll down to section 'Fees'.) Should you have any questions, please write to

Best regards,
Department of International Affairs



Eötvös Loránd University offers Hungarian language and culture courses whole academic year, covering all levels* from complete beginner (A1) to proficiency levels (C2) described by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

General Hungarian language courses are held every semester.

Participants of the General Hungarian language courses: Student enrolled at ELTE (e.g., Erasmus students, other exchange students and guest students, and degree-seeking students) and anyone interested (e.g., other non-student expats of Budapest)

*certain level groups are launched only with the minimum number of 5 people

NOTE: This is not a full-time language training, therefore it neither entitles applicants to have an invitation letter (for the visa) to come to Hungary, nor get a residence permit for study purposes. Full-time Hungarian language training is provided by the Intensive Hungarian Foundation Course (at for September 2025). You can find out more about all the Hungarian language learning opportunities offered by the University here.


Course Length Start date Class numbers Credits CEFR level Tuition fee*





Days per week

Classes per day




General Hungarian language course I.

subject code: BXI-HUNLANG-INT



beginning of each semester




A1, A2, B1, B2, C1*

190 EUR**

General Hungarian language course II.

subject code: BXI-HUNLANG-INTD



beginning of each semester

1 or 2

4 or 2


A1, A2, B1, B2, C1*

350 EUR**

*higher level groups are available only when min 5 participants take the course

Details good to know:

  • One class lasts 45 minutes, but there are always 1x90 or 2x90 minute blocks.
  • CEFR = Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
  • Please read the course descriptions, select the course type that you want to follow. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the description.
  • Courses start on the third week of each semester so that students have enough time to select the time and day that suits their timetable.
  • Classes will start only with the minimum number of 5 students.


**General Hungarian Language courses I-II. are free of charge for those below:

  • Any incoming exchange students at ELTE (e.g., CEEPUS, Erasmus) if they register for the Hungarian course in Neptun. Registration will be available during the "first-come-first-served" course registration period.
  • Any guest students at ELTE if they register for the Hungarian course in Neptun. Registration will be available during the "first-come-first-served" course registration period.
  • Any students enrolled for a degree program at ELTE (including upper-year Stipendium Hungaricum students; students with the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People; students with the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme) if they register for the Hungarian course as an elective (szabadon választható) course in Neptun. Registration will be available during the "first-come-first-served" course registration period.

If you take the course as an ELTE student, please take into account that there is an overall credit limit: students can register for only 10% more credits, in relation to the total number of prescribed credits, without having to pay an extra fee. Above the limit, students are obliged to pay a credit exceeding fee according to Section 49. § (2a) of Act CCIV. of 2011 on National Higher Education.

Non-ELTE applicants:

In case you are none of the above (e.g., you study at a Hungarian higher education other than ELTE) or you are not a higher-education student, the following fees will apply for you:

  • General Hungarian language course I.:  190 EUR / semester
  • General Hungarian language course II.: 350 EUR / semester

The course fee should be transferred until the beginning of the courses.

The bank account / transfer details will be sent via e-mail after registration.

If you are uncertain which category you belong to, please contact us:


⇒ Select the type of language course until the start of the upcoming semester.

ELTE students: Registration will be available via NEPTUN during the "first-come-first-served" course registration period at the beginning of each semester. Please do NOT register on the application form below. For you, the only valid application is via Neptun. There is no such as early bird booking or guaranteed application. It happens on a first-come-first-served basis as indicated above.

Non-ELTE applicants:

Registration for autumn semester usually opens in August via an online form.
Registration for spring semester usually opens in December via an online form.

⇒ Non-students and students who registered via the application format ELTE: We will contact you regarding the timetables via email at the beginning of the semester.
The programme coordinator ( will contact you via email.


The General Hungarian language courses are offered during the whole academic year. The 10-11-week-long courses start on the third week of both spring (mid-February) and autumn semester (mid-September), and the curriculum is developed for one or two 90-minute class(es) per week every semester. Students get 3 or 6 ECTS credits (depending on the number of the classes per week) after completing the course successfully.

The aim of the General Hungarian language courses is to improve the four basic language skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) by applying communicative methods, authentic learning materials, and multimedia tools.


After application, students need to fill in a placement test (if the level is not complete beginner), and based on the test results they are placed into their groups.

During the courses, students receive regular feedbacks and they are evaluated continuously verbally and on paper as well. Each course ends with a written test. In case of a successful test, students attending the course get ECTS credits and a certificate.

Active participation is required during the classes.

As the General Hungarian Language Course is a seminar, - in accordance with the Academic Regulations for Students -, a maximum of 3 absences is allowed.


You can find here more information about what the references / standards to Hungarian language levels are:

Level  Requirements to start the group at the exact level / Grammar and Vocabulary topics


Complete beginner




  • Fonetika, kiejtés (pronunciation)
  • The verb “to be” 
  • Introduction / Bemutatkozás (alapinformációk) 
  • From where? / Honnan? (Honnan jössz? - bemutatkozás) 
  • -ul/ül (Milyen nyelven beszélsz?) 
  • Hol? kérdés + ragok, névutók 
  • Basic inflection in singular (indefinite conjugation) / Határozatlan ragozás egyes számban
  • Tárgyeset - Shopping / Vásárlás 
  • To where? / hová? 
  • Basic inflection in plural (indefinite conjugation) / Határozatlan ragozás többes számban


Elementary 1.

  • From where? / honnan? 
  • The time - Mennyi az idő? / Hány óra van? 
  • When? / Mikor? 
  • Daily routine / Napirend 
  • Home / Otthon, lakás, kollégium 
  • Travelling / Utazás 
  • Infinitive / Infinitívusz 
  • Weather / Időjárás 
  • Hobbies / Hobbik 


Elementary 2.

  • Verbal prefixes (Directive)  / irányjelölő igekötők
  • The question How? hogyan?
  • Verbs and Modals 'akar, kell, lehet, szabad' + inf.
  • Possessive / birtoklás
  • habeo
  • Transport / közlekedés
  • At the Doctor / Orvosnál
  • School and Work / Professions / tanulás, munka, szakmák


Pre-Intermediate 1.

  • habeo
  • Definite and Indefinite Conjugation / határozott ragozás
  • past tense / múlt idő felismerése (főleg egyes számban)


Pre-Intermediate 2.

  • birtoktöbbesítő jel  / meg-, el-
  • Past Tense / múlt idő
  • Restaurant / étterem
  • In the city / a városban
  • Free time activities: tours, cinema, theatre
  • Storytelling / történetmesélés,
  • Writing CV



  • formal/informal addressing vous vs. tu  /  maga,
  • Pronouns / egymás
  • Comparatives / fokozás, összehasonlítás
  • Relative clauses / vonatkozó névmás, von. mellékmondat
  • The Imperative / felszólító mód
  • The Conditionals / feltételes mód
  • Infinitive conjunction / főnévi igenév személyragozása
  • Participles / melléknévi igenév
  • személyes névmások ragozott alakjai



  • Reported Speech / függő beszéd
  • felszólító mód funkciói
  • feltételes funkciók
  • alá- és mellérendelő összetett mondatok



  • bővített igeneves szerkezetek
  • műveltetés
  • határozói igenév



After the application is closed, all applicants will be registered in the university study system, called Neptun. All registered students will receive their unique Neptun ID code from the course coordinator. The payment happens also via Neptun system.

Please do the payment only when you received your Neptun ID and further instructions. Without the Neptun ID, the university will not be able to identify your payment.


EUR Bank Account Number: HU68 1003 2017 0142 6201 0603 0012
RECIPIENT'S ADDRESS: 1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1–3.
NAME OF BANK: Hungarian State Treasury
ADDRESS OF BANK: 1139 Budapest, Vaci ut 71

The above bank address cannot be visited, but is merely the address of recipient at the time of making the financial transaction. To pay for the tuition fee, please visit your own bank.

* Messages ("Közlemény" in Hungarian): 

  • NK-your Neptun ID code e.g. NK-ABC123 (If you have not received the Neptun ID yet, please wait for further instructions before payment!)

NOTE: These details are always important, especially when somebody else transfers for you. If you miss to give the Neptun ID, it might take several weeks for us to be able to identify your transfer, and you will not be able to start the class.

Course Length Start date Class numbers Credits CEFR level Tuition fee*





Days per week

Classes per day




General Hungarian language course I.



beginning of each semester




A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

190 EUR

General Hungarian language course II.



beginning of each semester

1 or 2

4 or 2


A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

350 EUR


Applicants are entitled to a 95% refund of the course fee (5% is non-refundable transfer cost) until the language course starts.
Applicants are entitled to a 90% refund of the course fee (10% is non-refundable) until the end of the first week of the course.
To request the refund, applicants are required to send an email with the subject line “Request for refund” to the email address and declare it in the email that they do not come to participate in the language course.
