IT support
IT support

Users will require an “IIG identifier” access code to identify themselves on the IIG Online Customer Service platform and the server running the service when requesting access to our IIG services. The IIG identifier will be the username that must be used when accessing the servers. In other words, the IIG identifier is identical to the username used on the Caesar server or the username a user must provide when connecting to networks (WiFi, VPN).
If you are a citizen of ELTE and do not yet have an IIG identifier, please request one in order to have access to the following services and the Online Customer Service. If you already have an IIG identifier (e.g. Caesar access), then that is what you will have to write into the field that says “requested identifier” when submitting paper-based user registration forms, since we cannot create any separate identifiers for the other services. For certain services (e.g. when requesting Caesar or WiFi access), those without an IIG identifier can request one when submitting their other request. However, from then on, the user will have to use this identifier when requesting access to any IT service.
Connecting to WiFi at the university
- Connect to the network called “ELTE-Guest”
- Open this page of the Online Customer Service the browser.
- Click on “Log in” below.
- Select authentication via Neptun by clicking on the Neptun icon in the top right corner, then type your Neptun ID (6 characters), your password, then log in.
- Now you can choose your own IIG username. Note that the number of characters in your username have to be between 3 and 12 and it can only contain lower case letters of the English alphabet, numbers and hyphens (-). Note that it cannot start with a hyphen or a number and it cannot contain space, dot (.), underscore (_) or two hyphens following each other.
- Choose your password and type it into “Chosen IIG password” and the same password to “Validating your chosen IIG password”. Your password should be at least 6 characters long, but it cannot be your username.
- At the bottom of the page, tick the box next to “I also would like to create a WIFI identifier” and click on “Apply”. You will be redirected to a page where the system confirms your request. Then you are done, your IIG identifier is ready.
- Disconnect from the network “ELTE-Guest” and try to connect to “ELTE” when your IIG username and password will be requested. After you type them in, you have access to the internet. For help with settings, click here.
Request an ELTE e-mail address –
Every student of the university is entitled to an ELTE e-mail address provided by the IT Directorate (ELTE IIG). Of course, you’re probably thinking “Why do I need another e-mail address when I already have so many?” But trust us, experience has shown that it doesn’t hurt if students and instructors conduct their official university-related correspondence via an official ELTE e-mail address.
About the service:
- When requesting WIFI access at ELTE, you will automatically possess an e-mail address called: with 2 GB memory.
- You can access your messages anywhere via an online platform or you can download them with the help of the usual programmes (Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird etc.).
- During your studies you can deal with your official issues easier and faster.
- You will receive your NEPTUN messages on time without any delay.
- You can also request an own homepage with 2 GB memory.
For details, please visit the ELTE IIG website. If you experience any problems or have questions about any of the services, please don’t hesitate to contact the Operator Service:
Trefort Gardens Campus:
Address: 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/C, basement level 64