Do native speech sounds matter in language learning?
We crossed the results of two experiments – a categorization task and a discrimination task – and found that perceptual overlap is also a significant factor in L3 perception. Furthermore, we compared different measures of perceptual overlap as predictors for discrimination abilities of L3 vowel con-trasts.
Namely, we compared perceptual overlap scores calculated on group means and scores based on individual results. None of the measures was conclusively more reliable than the other in pre-dicting differences in discrimination difficulties. However, accuracy in perception of EP contrasts or vowels absent from the Hungarian vocalic system was significantly lower than for the other vowels, suggesting that non nativeness can cause difficulties in L3 perception.
Additionally, participants who also reported knowledge of German performed more accurately in discrimination of contrasts that included the vowel [ɐ], a vowel absent from their L1 but present in the German vocalic system, in-dicating a positive effect of knowledge of languages previously acquired on L3 perception.