Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony

Dear Graduating Student,

According to the decision of the Dean of ELTE Faculty of Humanities, the Graduation Ceremony of the autumn semester of AY 2024/2025 is being organised at the time and place below:

7 February 2025
BTK campus (1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4., 6–8.)
Gólyavár, Mária Terézia Hall (upstairs)
(We will inform you about the exact details (detailed schedule, time, arrival…etc.) after 3rd February 2025.)

► Link to the live streaming


The participation in the ceremony requires prior registration.

You must indicate your intention to participate from 13th January 2025 (Monday), 10:00 until 29th January 2025 (Wednesday), 12:00 by filling in the Neptun request BTK Registration for the Graduation Ceremony 7th February 2025under Administration -> Requests

If you do not fill in the request by the deadline, or you indicate in the request that you are not participating, there will be no more opportunities for registering for the Graduation Ceremony, and you will be able to pick up your degree certificate only after the ceremony, in-person.

Graduating students can invite maximum three guests to the venue of the Ceremony, which means that maximum three guests can enter Gólyavár and take their seats there. Gólyavár has two halls: Mária Terézia hall (upstairs), where the Ceremony will be held, and Pázmány Péter hall (downstairs) where guests can watch the ceremony live on a screen. In case all seats are occupied in Mária Terézia hall, guests who could not take seat there can follow the Ceremony live-streamed in Pázmány Péter hall.

It is possible to invite more than three guests to the BTK Campus. These guests can take their seats in other halls and buildings of the campus, where they will have the opportunity to watch the ceremony live-streamed on a screen.

Picking up your degree certificate after the Ceremony

If you cannot participate in the Graduation Ceremony, you can pick up your degree certificate after the Ceremony, in-person or by an authorized representative (find the authorization form here: in the following times:

  • From 12th February 2025 in the office hours (Mon.: 13:00-16:00, Wed.: 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00).

International students can pick up their degree certificate in Office 24 of building A (1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/A).

Please note that an authorized representative can pick up the degree certificate only by handing in an official authorization form, signed by two witnesses, which must be prepared beforehand. Find the authorization form here: Please, note that the person picking up the degree certificate must present their ID before receiving the document.

We would like to call your attention to the fact that there is NO opportunity to receive your degree certificate/supplement per post.

Pictures taken at the Ceremony

At the Graduation Ceremony, pictures and a video will be taken by the photographer of the Faculty of Humanities. The pictures can be ordered at More information (in Hungarian):

Extension of residence permit, plane tickets, validation of diploma 

If you would like to use your Hungarian diploma in your home country or any other country, you have to go through an administrational process in order to validate your degree. You will get the details after your Final Examination.

It is important to plan ahead the extension of your residence permit. The validation process may take 2-3 weeks, so calculate your travel date and extension date like this. Regarding the extension process, please read this guide.

How to make your diploma Apostilled?

Please read all detailed information here.

Stay with ELTE, and register for our international Alumni Chapter

The ELTE International Alumni Chapter is an alumni association of all international students graduated at ELTE and those who had student status at least during one semester at ELTE but graduated at other university.

We hope that after returning home, you will maintain contact with your Alma Mater, friends and professional colleagues from Hungary. With us you can maintain your worldwide friendships and reach further learning opportunities.

Become a member of our International Alumni chapter and be part of a valuable international community. Join us and stay in touch!


Thank you for your kind cooperation!

BTK Office of Educational Affairs

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