Document and form database

Documents, forms, and templates for current international students

Documents, forms, and templates for current international students
Students already studying at the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE should use the documents and forms listed below for all official requests.

Many request forms are available in e-form via Neptun.
Paper based requests can be submitted by email at the Office of Educational Affairs:

General Academic Affairs (GA)

  • Request for a passive semester: e-form in Neptun (Administration menu/Requests)
  • Request for terminating student status: e-form in Neptun (Administration menu/Requests)
  • Late course registration: e-form in Neptun (Administration menu/Requests) - available only during the Late course registration period
    In special cases, when the e-form is not available: Late course registration form
  • Late course dropping (deregistration): e-form in Neptun (Administration menu/Requests) - available only during the Late course registration period. NOTE: dropping is possible only with a medical reason, a technical Neptun issue, or special request from the department of studies.
  • GA 03 BA / Changing of minor or specialization
  • Request for minor/specialisation registration after the deadline

Credit recognition and credit transfer issues:

Credit recognition might be required during the admission process. Students are informed every time by the admission coordinator if the form is necessary for the admission.

Credit transfer might be requested during the studies if

  • a student has completed credits from another higher education institute, and would like to transfer them to the current ELTE programme.
  • a student has credits from a previously taken ELTE study programme, and would like to transfer them to the current ELTE programme.
  • a student took one or more classes with subject codes differ from the curriculum.

Downloadable forms and guides

Affairs to be approved by the Educational Committee (TB or Board of Studies)

Uniquely Tailored Study Arrangement

  • GUIDE (please read it very thoroughly, and follow the steps)

Other study related issues

Graduation Affairs (final exam, thesis, graduation, final duties)