General information on graduation

Personal data for the degree certificates (diplomas)
It is extremely important, and it is an obligation of students (Academic Reg. Section 36/2) to check in Neptun if your personal data is correct: full name, order of your names, birth name, place of birth, date of birth, and your specialisations connected to your study programme.
There will not be a comparison of data before printing your diploma. Your personal data will be indicated on your diploma and diploma supplement as it is registered in Neptun. Please, update your data if necessary. Please, provide an email address, which is suitable for participation in an ELTE Teams call, in case of a possible online examination. You can check or change your email address in Neptun under My data/Contact information.
If there are changes in your personal data, please report it to Ms Emese Kertész coordinator, since your diploma and diploma supplement are generated from Neptun.