Finances FAQ

Do you have any questions regarding financial issues at ELTE?
There is a set of questions regularly pop-up in regards of finances. Click on the question to see the answer below it.
If you do not find a suitable answer, please contact you international coordinator.
Where can I check how much my tuition fee is?
- It is always indicated in your Letter of Acceptance and the Study Agreement you received at the beginning of your studies.
- You can check it on our website.
- You see it in Neptun under Finances/Payments as soon as the tuition fee payment period starts.
My bank needs an official paper for indicating the money transfer. Can I get such a paper?
Yes, it is possible to get a so-called Notification of Payment document. It is not issued for everyone automatically though. If you need this document, please contact your international coordinator.
What is the final date to pay my tuition fee?
- In the autumn semester it is 15 October.
- In the spring semester it is 15 March.
These are the deadlines until the payment must be fulfilled in Neptun! Take into consideration that your money have to arrive at your Neptun before the given deadlines.
How and when can I pay the tuiton fee?
From 2022/23/2, the tuition fee payment is fully integrated to Neptun. There is no other way to pay.
The payment has two steps. Only with these two steps is the payment complete!
- You transfer the tuition fee in Euro currency to the Neptun account: ELTE has a EUR based account, from which the payment is transferred to your personal Neptun account.
- When the money arrives at your Neptun account, you can fulfil the payment manually, or it will be fulfilled automatically close to the payment deadline.
The tuition fee is issued in every student's Neptun after the official registration period is over (when you need to set your semester active or passive). The payment can be fulfilled from this time, however, you can transfer the money anytime to your Neptun. The money is secure there.
For further information on how to pay, please go the following site:
Can I pay the tuition fee by cash?
The payment happens via Neptun all the time with money transfer.
If you have the tuition fee in cash, please go to a bank, pay in the money there, and transfer it to the given account. You do not need a bank account for this transaction in the given bank.
For further information on how to pay, please go the following site:
Do I have to register a bank account number to be able to pay my tuition fee?
No, it is not required.
The so-called Neptun collective or joint account is created automatically within Neptun. If you properly follow the steps given for the tuition fee payment, the money should appear in your Neptun in 6-7 days after your bank confirms the transfer.
You do not even need a Hungarian bank account for the process.
I transferred the money to a wrong account. What can I do?
If you transferred the tuition fee to the HUF based ELTE account, it is a problem. Unfortunately, the sum cannot be credited to the EUR based account.
This way, you have to transfer the money again to the correct ELTE account, then you must hand in a request to refund the money from the HUF account.
To avoid this annoying process, please always read the instructions, and check the necessary steps for the payment. If you are not sure about something, please contact your international coordinator first.
I transferred the money to the correct ELTE account, but it has not appeared in my Neptun. What can I do?
Firstly, please take into consideration that the money transfer may take time. If your bank confirmed that the transfer was done, and at least 6 business days have passed since the transfer date, you need to start a complaint case.
You can do it via the Quaestura website (change the site language for English):
You can start a case by logging in the Q-ter website with your Neptun code and password. When you start the case, you also have to attach the bank slip that proves the successful transfer, and shows the folllowing details:
- date of transfer
- name of the sender
- amount of transferred money
- bank account number of the sender
- bank account number where the money was sent
- the message that was written to the note/notification/message section (it must be your Neptun code)
How can I receive a payment certificate document?
The confirmation document is generated from Neptun: Finances/Invoices menu. You can download it after the payment is fulfilled.
If there should be a technical issue, please write to the email address.
What happens if I do not pay my tuition fee until the payment deadline?
Can I pay the tuition fee in instalments?
If you have a good reason to pay the tuition fee in instalments, you can hand in a request at the beginning of each semester regarding the issue.
After great consideration the Dean of the Faculty and the decision making committee may grant you to pay in two equal instalments. The first payment is due until the original payment deadline, and the second one is until the start of the exam registration.
The request should be submitted via Neptun. When the tuition fee payment becomes visible in Neptun, click on the + button at the end of the line, and choose the Submit request option. Choose the relevant request type, fill it in, and submit it until the given deadline.
After the deadline, we do not accept any requests. Requests via email or on paper are not accepted from 2022/23/2.
Can I ask for a reduced payment?
In some cases, the Dean of the Faculty and the decision making committee may grant permission to a reduced payment. A reduced payment may be
- on the basis of taken credits*
- it is your last semester, and you have a few credits left*
- on social reasons
*please find more information on these payments under the next question
The request should be submitted via Neptun. When the tuition fee payment becomes visible in Neptun, click on the + button at the end of the line, and choose the Submit request option. Choose the relevant request type, fill it in, and submit it until the given deadline.
After the deadline, we do not accept any requests. Requests via email or on paper are not accepted from 2022/23/2.
Should I pay the full tuition fee if I have only a few credits left?
According to the Academic Regulations, Section 352
(1) Tuition-paying/self-financed students who continue to pursue their studies after they have exceeded the official study term, may make one request in their additional semesters for a reduction in their the tuition fee in a given semester according to the following:
a) If the Student is missing no more than 4 credits or one study unit apart from the number of credits to be awarded preparing for the individual thesis for obtaining the pre-degree certificate, the Student can request to pay the tuition fee in the proportion of HUF 15,000 per credit in BA programmes – not including single and multi-cycle teacher training -- and HUF 20.000 for MA programmes. In the case of programmes organised for international students, the sum payable shall be 5% of the tuition fee per credit in both BA and MA programmes. For subjects worth 0 credits and the individual thesis preparation, the Student shall pay the fee of 1 credit.
b) If the Student is missing at least 5 but no more than 10 credits apart from the number of credits to be awarded preparing for the individual thesis for obtaining the pre-degree certificate, the Student can request to pay 50% of their tuition in BA programmes and 40% in MA programmes, not including single and multi-cycle teacher training. This shall also apply to programmes organised for international students.
((your usual tuition fee) x 0.05) x (the number of remaining credits) = the reduced sum you are asking for.
Example: (EUR 3500 x 0.05) x 3 credits = EUR 525
The request should be submitted via Neptun. When the tuition fee payment becomes visible in Neptun, click on the + button at the end of the line, and choose the Submit request option. Choose the relevant request type, fill it in, and submit it until the given deadline.
After the deadline, we do not accept any requests. Requests via email or on paper are not accepted from 2022/23/2.
When and how should I pay if I register a course 2nd or further times?
You do not have to pay before the course registration.
Register for the course, then the payment will be issued, when the course registration period is over. You will have 30 days to pay after the payment is issued.
You can find the items you may need to pay for this case here, at the bottom of the page (Charges and services fees valid as of 1 August 2022):
Why should I pay for an unattended exam?
After the end of a semester, you may have one or more payment items in your Neptun if you did not attended one or two exams you were registered for.
According to the Academic Regulation, if you cannot or do not want to attend an exam, you have to drop it before the exam date. However, you cannot drop an exam within 24 hours before the exam date. If you do not drop an exam, and you do not attend the exam, a fine has to be paid.
When and how should I pay for sport courses?
- If you do not register for the sport course in Neptun, you must pay on-the-spot. You can go to the sport class as if you were walking in a gym, and pay there. Monthly and semester passes are also offered. You can alwas find the class schedules on the website of ELTE BEAC.
- If you would like to have a credit for the sport class, register for it in Neptun. With a Neptun registration, the fee of the course will also be issued in Neptun in the middle of the semester. In the case of some sport courses, there might be additional payments (e.g. equipment fee, room fee, etc.) These fees must be given in the comment or note part of the course when you register. These fees are not issued in Neptun.
When and how should I pay for the dormitory?
The payment happens via Neptun.
The dormitory coordinator issues it after you moved in. You will find the payment under the Finances/Payments menu.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the dormitory fees, please contact the dormitory coordinator:
What other payments may pop-up in my Neptun?
What is the credit exceeding fee?
Academic Regulations
Section 58, part 4: "Students pay a fee for registering for courses (including retaking failed courses) above the allocated limit of total credits detailed under Section 49 (2) of ANHE, according to regulations set out in Chapter VII of the present Regulations.”
Section 130, part 3: “The credit fee and the tuition fee shall be paid after the Student has exceeded the 10% extra credits that he/she is entitled to take without having to pay credit fee.”
Section 130, part 8: Upon exceeding the prescribed limit of credits, the fee to be charged in every semester shall be charged at the end of the study period, with a deadline of at least 30 days. The payment obligation shall be met until the registration period for the next semester, otherwise the Student will not be able to register. For graduate students, the fulfilment of the payment obligation is necessary in order to obtain their final certificate.
- The payments are always calculated and issued by the Office of Educational Affairs.
- BA students have to pay beyond 198 credits, while MA students beyond 132 credits.*
- The amount is calculated on the basis of the taken credits, not on the completed ones only. It means, if you took 210 credits as a BA student, but you completed 170 only, you have to pay for 12 credits.*
*The credits you have paid for during 2nd or further course registration are excluded. You do not have to pay twice.
You can find the current credit exceeding fee at the bottom of the following page (Charges and services fees valid as of 1 August 2022):