Find and visit our open online courses and programme information sessions prepared for you.
Find and visit our open online courses and programme information sessions prepared for you.
English Studies and English Language Teaching
English Foundation Course (General English)
English and American Studies BA
English Studies MA
Instruction of English as a Foreign Languge MA

After the End: Post-apocalyptic Science Fiction

Hungarian Studies and Hungarian Language Teaching
Intensive Hungarian Foundation Course
Media and Art Studies
Motion Pictures
Communication and Media Studies
Film Studes MA

Film Studies
Histories on the screen – Social change and the moving image

Communication and Media Studies
THE SELFIE as a site of cultural contestation

MA programmes
Archaeology MA
Central European Studies MA
Cultural Heritage Studies MA
Indology MA
Logic and Theory of Science MA
Philosophy MA
Semiotics MA

Migration of the Langobards – Historical and archaeological models

Central European Studies
Eastern Enlargements of the European Union Until 2013

Cultural Heritage Studies
Regimes of Urban Heritage

Logic and Theory of Science
What about ”and”? – H. P. Grice’s Conversational Implicatures

Quantum Immortality

Framing – A cultural semiotic perspective

Modern Languages
Germanic Studies, Specialized in German Studies BA and German Language, Literature and Culture MA
Germanic Studies, Specialized in Netherlandistic Studies BA and Dutch Language and Culture Studies MA
Neo-Latin Languages and Cultures Specialized in French Studies and French Language, Literature and Culture MA
Neo-Latin Languages and Cultures Specialized in Italian Studies and Italian Language, Literature and Culture MA
Neo-Latin Languages and Cultures Specialized in Portuguese Studies and Portuguese Language, Literature and Culture MA
Neo-Latin Languages and Cultures Specialized in Spanish Studies and Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture MA
Bulgarian Language and Literature MA
Croatian Language and Literature MA
Scandinavian Studies MA
Serbian Language and Literature MA
Slovenian Language and Literature MA

German Language, Literature and Culture
Translatologie im Germanistikstudium

French Language, Literature and Culture
Trois notions psycho-littéraires

Italian Language, Literature and Culture
Esiste la lingua italiana?

Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture
El mapa de lo imaginario