Choose your specialization(s)/minors now

Choose your specialization(s)/minors now

General information

All BA programmes require 180 credits to complete to be able to graduate. The 180 credits must be the ones described in the programmes’ curricula. (You find your curriculum HERE. Pay attention to the year of admission!)

Each BA curriculum (study unit list) contains a 50-credit specialisation module, usually named “Differentiated Studies”. This module can be completed either by taking a specialisation offered by your own BA programme, or by selecting a minor programme, which is a 50-credit package of another study programme.

The specialisations and minors must be started in the 2nd year of the BA studies, except for some programmes (more information in the study unit list of the relevant programme).

Therefore, students must choose the specialisation or minor by the end of the first year, or earlier. The application for the programmes in Neptun is in May-June every academic year.

If you are interested in taking a minor instead of a specialization from your study programme, please check the MINOR PAGE on the Faculty website + contact your international or study coordinators for further discussion.


Neptun is open for specialization registration from 00:00 21 May 2024 until 20:00 13 June 2024.

To be able to register for any specialisations, first you have to register for the 2024/2025/1 semester under the Administration/Enrollment, Registration menu in Neptun.

The specialisation registration is available in Neptun in the Administration/Module selection menu during the above-mentioned period.

If you have a technical problem, please contact your coordinators.

English and American Studies BA

If you are a student of English and American studies BA, please, take the following programme-specific criteria into account during the module selection (specialisation, minor):

During the English and American Studies BA, students have to complete two 50-credit specialization modules OR a 50-credit specialization and a 50-credit minor programme:

  1. Main specialization (track)
    1. English specialization (track) OR
    2. American specialization (track)
  2. Differentiated Studies:
    1. 1 from the 5 specializations offered by SEAS OR
    2. a minor programme of 50 credits

Students have to register their choice both at SEAS and in Neptun.

Specializations have to be registered in Neptun by the student at the end of the first year of the BA (even if they do not require an application interview). The application is valid only if you register it in Neptun as well!


English OR American specialization (track)

Differentiated Studies (English for Business or English in Film and Culture or English in the Media or Translation) General information on specialization modules

How to apply at SEAS?

English specialization (track)


American specialization (track)

Fill in the online application form and attend the oral entrance exam. More information: HERE

When to apply at SEAS?

In December/January of your first year, (exact deadlines HERE)

In your first year around May (you find the deadline in the actual call for applications)

How to apply in Neptun?

Under Administration/Module selection in Neptun.

When to apply in Neptun?

In May-June of your first year

Actual module selection period: 00:00 21 May 2024 until 20:00 13 June 2024.

For more information, study the following guide:

If you have questions, contact your coordinators: