Four days of graduation ceremonies in Gólyavár

Four days of graduation ceremonies in Gólyavár
From 17th to 20th of July, the Maria Theresa auditorium that traditionally hosts our graduation ceremonies was once again filled with proud graduates and their guests.

Ten ceremonies took place over a one-week period, celebrating the achievements of 918 bachelor, master and teacher training programme graduates, including 55 international students.

Dean of the Faculty Dávid Bartus and vice-deans Ildikó Horn, Krisztina Horváth and Orsolya Réthelyi addressed the fresh graduates and presented their degree certificates.

Musical interludes were provided by students of the Institute of Arts Communication and Music, delighting guests and graduates with a choir performance, folk songs medley, and an Edith Piaf chanson accompanied on the guitar.

Though a lot of our graduates are leaving ELTE, they will always be a part of our university community. They are encouraged to register on the ELTE Alumni social media network, where they can keep in touch with their fellow students while also being kept up-to-date with Faculty news and events or join ELTE Alumni social gatherings.

Graduation Ceremonies 2023

Graduation Ceremonies 2023




