
National Central Library (NCL) Taiwan Periodical Literature  期刊文獻資訊網

(including Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System 臺灣期刊論文索引系統)

This database system contains the following 4 sub-databases:

1. Taiwan Periodical Literature臺灣期刊論文索引系統
For search for articles. A rather complete index for periodical literature published in Taiwan post WWII.

2. Directory to Taiwan Periodicals中華民國出版期刊指南系統
For search for journals information. This Directory collects mainly the journals, newspapers, and gazettes published in Taiwan. It also includes some selected academic journals published in Hong Kong and Macau, and some important periodicals and newspapers published before 1945 in Mainland China.

3. NCL China Periodical Literature Index漢學中心典藏大陸期刊篇目索引
Index to China periodicals held at Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) in National Central Library (NCL).

4. Table of Contents of Chinese Literature 中國文化研究論文目錄
This database provide index to Monograph Series on Chinese Literature, History, and Culture, 1946-1979.


Integrated Search  For Rare Books 古籍與特藏文獻資源

It provides access to the old book database and special collections of the National Central Library both individually and through a common, integrated search interface.

You can search in the following seven databases:
1.古籍影像檢索系統 (Rare Books Digital Images Database System)
2. 中文古籍聯合目錄資料庫 (Union Catalog of Chinese Rare Books Database)
3. 臺灣家譜聯合目錄資料庫 (Union Catalog of Genealogy Collection)
4. 金石拓片資料 (Bronze & Stone Rubbing Database)
5. 晚清期刊資料庫 (Periodicals in Late Qing Dynasty)
6. 年畫資料庫 (New Year Pictures)
7. 老照片資料 (Old Photograghs)


Journal of National Essence 國粹學報全文資料庫

Full-text database of 82 issues of the journal ’Bulletin of National Essence’ 國繴學報 published between 1905-1911.


Databases can also be accessed off campus for ELTE citizens using VPN service.
This service can be requested via the IIG identifier. With the help of a utility program installed in the computer, this service makes it possible to connect to the databases from outside the university grounds.
Detailed information for setting up (information related to request and installation)