Habilitation is a title that is awarded by universities, on the basis of the candidate's scientific and teaching activity, the thesis submitted for this purpose, the lectures given in Hungarian and also in foreign languages.
The title is a prerequisite for the promotion to Associate Professor and College Lecturer, in accordance with the regulations of the ELTE.
The procedure may be initiated five years after receiving the Ph.D. degree in the discipline in which the candidate obtained the degree. The application must be accompanied by the academic and teaching records (habilitation records), the habilitation thesis on which the procedure is based, a monograph published within 5 years (which cannot be the same as the doctoral thesis), or a volume of thematically connected studies published within 3 years.
The University Habilitation Committee (EHB) initiates the habilitation process, supervises the justice of the procedure and takes the final decision.
The Faculty Habilitation Committee (CFC) determines whether the submitted application meets the professional criteria and, if so, appoints an ad hoc Professional Evaluation Committee (PEC) that consists of two members who also give a written evaluation of the submitted material and work.
The JPC will make a proposal on the suitability of the performance, the theme, the language of the foreign language performance, and, on the basis of its proposal, the JPC will set the date and place of the performance.
The SSC shall hear and vote on the habilitation lectures and forward its proposal to the KHB. This body also votes on the eligibility of the title and forwards its proposal to the EHB.
A positive decision by the EHB allows the candidate to receive his/her habilitation diploma and use the habilitated title in a ceremony.
Further information:
Péter Vörös
E-mail: voros.peter@btk.elte.hu
1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/A I. floor. 114.
Phone: 485 5200/5718