German Foundation Programme

German Foundation Programme

German Foundation Programme (General Information)

German Foundation Programme (General Information)

The German Foundation Course (Preparatory Year) has been designed for students who wish to study at ELTE or another European university, but do not yet have the necessary level of language competence and study skills to start a degree program in German language. With a minimum of 800 contact hours guaranteed, the course can bring you up to speed in as little as two semesters.

The aim of the program is to provide a gateway for students to German speaking European education, where a good command of knowledge is required. The program equips students with the basic linguistic, cultural and study skills necessary for beginning degree studies at a European university.

Das sprachliche Vorbereitungsjahr richtet sich an alle Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerber aus dem Ausland, die an der ELTE oder an einer anderen Universität in Ungarn bzw. in Europa studieren wollen, aber noch keinen Nachweis über ausreichende Deutschkenntnisse für das Studium vorweisen können.

Der studienvorbereitende Deutschkurs besteht aus zwei Semestern und wird mit wenigstens 800 Kontaktstunden angeboten. Das Ziel des Vorbereitungskurses ist, dass Studieninteressierte die für ihr (Bachelor)Studium nötige fremdsprachliche Handlungsfähigkeit, die kulturellen und sprachlichen Kenntnisse sowie  die studienrelevanten Fähigkeiten erwerben. Des Weiteren wird durch die Teilnahme am Kurs eine Mobilität im europäischen Hochschulraum ermöglicht.

Strength of the programme

Language Improvement

Language improvement is the core element of the program, with a general course in language improvement, focusing on the basic skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading. To prepare you to use German for study purposes, there are also specialized courses in the accurate use of German grammar and vocabulary, as well as academic reading and writing, and classes on the presentation and discussion skills needed for participation in seminars.

Study Skills

Our teachers are there to help you, but you need to develop independent study skills for your future academic and professional career. You will attend courses designed to improve your ability to work on your own, with skills such as setting goals, managing time and monitoring progress. Your teachers will also set tasks to be completed in the Self-Access Centre and advise you on available resources.

Cultural Studies

It is impossible to use a language without understanding the culture that surrounds it. The program therefore includes two courses on the major German-speaking cultures, one focusing on Germany, and another one on Austria and Switzerland. Other courses cover aspects of European culture in general and the culture of your host country, Hungary.


If you take your studies seriously, you should be able to pass the CEFR B2-level language examination offered by the university at the end of the academic year.