Call for papers: The Diverse Impact of US Latinos

Call for papers: The Diverse Impact of US Latinos
The Department of American Studies of ELTE, the Center for Research on Latin America (CIAL) of ELTE, and the Center for Research on North America (CISAN) of UNAM (Mexico) are organizing a multidisciplinary conference on the historical, cultural, political, social, and economic characteristics of communities of Latin American origin living in the United States.

Dates: November 7-8, 2025 (Friday and Saturday)
Venue: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities (Trefort Garden), Building “R”, Frank Tibor Room, 3rd floor 356. (see on map)

The aim of the symposium is to draw the attention of Hungarian, Central European, and international scholars to the Latino community in the United States. Although the 60–65 million Latinos constitute 18–20% of the US population, and their cultural, political, and economic influence is growing both in the US and in their countries of origin, disciplinary boundaries make this group difficult to study and analyze for (North) Americanists and Latin Americanists alike.

Given this complexity, the conference is multidisciplinary and exploratory in nature and welcomes contributions from all those whose research topic relates to North American Studies, Latin American Studies, or to the past and present of Latino communities through historical, cultural, social, political and economic aspects specific to the United States and/or Latin America.

Important Dates:

  • May 30, 2025: deadline for the submission of abstracts
  • June 20, 2025: deadline for the evaluation of abstracts, notification of acceptance or rejection of proposals
  • June 30, 2025: deadline for session assignment and submission of preliminary program
  • September 30, 2025: publication of the final program
  • November 7 and 8, 2025: conference days
  • January 31, 2026: submission of studies for publication

Conference languages: English and Spanish

Registration: Send the title and an abstract of approximately 250 words, along with your institutional affiliation, your e-mail address and a short biography of no more than 10 lines, to in English or Spanish.

Website of the event