Start the semester with a free Sport Week

Start the semester with a free Sport Week
Start your school term with us! With the support of ELTE, BioTechUSA and Viwa Vitaminwater, we are kicking off the school year with the ELTE Sport7.

Our open week from 9-13 September is the best opportunity to get to know the sporting opportunities offered by BEAC. Come and meet our young coaches and get moving with your fellow freshmen, friends and colleagues!


Demonstration training sessions will be held at various locations throughout Budapest! You can find out more about the locations on the ELTE Sport7 2024 Facebook event!


Every day in the afternoon and evening during the first week of the academic term 9 -13 September.

Participation is free but registration is required at

More details

What is BEAC?

The University Athletics Club (BEAC) offer trainings in over 40 different sports, both for women and men, students and Alumni, for those who would like to compete and those who just want to pursue an active hobby in an engaging communtiy. In most classes, coaches warmly welcome international students and help their participation at English or bilingual trainings.

ELTE Sport Compass