From Eugene Wilhelm’s diary to immodesty
10.00 Talking about oneself? An essay on the use of biographical methods in social sciences, based on Eugene Wilhelm’s diary (1885-1951)
At a time when biographical methods are enjoying a revival in the social sciences, this talk will present research currently underway into the transcription of a personal diary written over a long period of time (65 years) and into the way in which, through this diary, the history of one life - that of a bisexual man involved in the first sexual emancipation movements - is interwoven with the more global history of Alsace, France and the rest of Europe, the history of a bisexual man involved in the first sexual emancipation movements, with the more global history of Alsace, France, Germany and Europe, all of which were affected by the two world wars and the major upheavals of the first twentieth century.
14.00 What means immodesty? A study of convictions in France for « indecent exposure » over time.
Based on an analysis of judicial statistics and judgements handed down by various courts for 'immorality', this presentation will show the variety of situations punished by judges in France, the way in which periods of moral loosening and tightening can be observed, and the way in which the law can be used to stigmatise and punish certain sexual behaviours and practices deemed 'immoral'. Empirical analysis of judgements combined with statistical analysis will show how, over time, issues of sexual morality and morality are addressed in France. Lastly, it will enable us to draw up some comparisons with other countries.
Time: 25 April 2024
Venue: ELTE Faculty of Humanities, main building, 2th floor, 247.