The Erasmus+ program is the most successful program of the European Commission, which has facilitated the mobility of more than 9 million students and young people so far. Eötvös Loránd University is committed to the Erasmus+ program and its main goal is to achieve that as many ELTE students as possible can participate in the program.
With the help of the Erasmus+ program, you have the opportunity to study in a foreign higher education institution for 3-5 months (one semester/institution), or to gain work experience abroad at a company or organization located in an Erasmus+ program country, that is, to complete a traineeship abroad during studies or after graduation (2-5 months), or even to combine all activities. All students at all study cycles (BA/MA/PhD) have a total of 12 months at their disposal, which they can use for Erasmus activities.
Traineeship abroad can also be completed within one year after obtaining the absolutorium/graduation, provided that you submit your application as an active student before obtaining the absolutorium/graduation. Anyone can complete an Erasmus traineeship, even if it is not mandatory to obtain an internship to complete the degree. You can find out more information about Traineeship abroad by clicking here.
- In case of one semester's study abroad, you can apply to one of ELTE's partner universities, with which your major's Institute/Department has a bilateral agreement with. You can find information about the faculties' partners in the current call for application and from your academic coordinator.
- In the case of traineeship abroad, you can apply to any company or organization in an Erasmus+ program country (except for a European Union Institution), provided that the activity is compatible with your studies.
List of Erasmus+ program countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, United Kingdom*, North Macedonia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Croatia, Ireland, Iceland, Poland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Germany, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
* Based on the decision of the British government, the United Kingdom will not participate in the new Erasmus+ program (2021-27).
If you would like to complete long term studies abroad outside of Europe, visit the website of the Erasmus+ international credit mobility program.
Depending on the destination country, the scholarship that can be awarded in the application is EUR 540 or EUR 600 per month for studies abroad, and EUR 690 or EUR 750 for traineeships in the Erasmus+ program countries.
Students can also receive additional grants on social grounds. Information about the possibilities and application information is available in the central call for additional financial support.
Important! The Erasmus scholarship does not necessarily finance the entire mobility abroad, in most cases self-reliance is also required to travel abroad. (This is also greatly influenced by the student's needs.) During the stay, you are entitled to all other (e.g. academic) scholarships, and you can apply for a student loan. It is recommended to plan ahead and save! When choosing your destination university, you should also study the living standards of the country/city!
- For studies abroad: our self-paid international students can apply
- For traineeship abroad during studies: our self-paid international students can apply
- For traineeship abroad after graduation: our self-paid international students and our Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder students can apply
- For short-term doctoral mobility: our PhD student self-paid international students and our PhD student Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder students can apply
ELTE announces a call for application period twice a year - in September and February. During the main application period in February, you can apply for study abroad/traineeships to be implemented in the following academic year, while during the additional application period in September, you can apply for the leftover study abroad places for the spring semester, as well as for traineeship abroad to be implemented in the spring semester. Applications must be submitted in the NEPTUN system during the application period. You can also apply for traineeship abroad between the two application periods directly to the academic coordinator of your institute/department.
You can find information on how to submit the application, the deadlines and the list of documents to be attached, as well as additional conditions on the current institutional call for applications page.
The faculty Erasmus+ coordinator (Department of International Relations: and the institute/department's academic coordinator can provide detailed information about the faculty/institute application conditions.
In the Erasmus+ program, the recognition of studies completed abroad is mandatory at ELTE.
This is possible in two ways:
- 1. Recognition of studies as a compulsory course
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is obliged to recognize as compulsory those subjects completed abroad, where the subject description is at least 75% the same as the subject description of the subject to be completed at home. In the case of a match of less than 75%, ELTE can decide on the admission of the subject completed abroad as a compulsory subject based on its institutional discretion.
In order to avoid later inconveniences, it is worth browsing the course lists of the universities, taking into consideration the curriculum for the mobility period. Following the sample curriculum at home, first select the subjects that you have to complete at home, then try to find courses at the target university based on these. Then, even with several course alternatives at the target university for each home subject, and their course descriptions, contact the instructor of the home subject in person and in writing, so that you can choose which course you would accept as a substitute for your home course. If you can't find an external subject that matches the course at home, ask your academic coordinator at ELTE about alternative options.
- 2. Recognition of studies as an elective course.
If a course unit cannot be recognized by any of the course units in the ELTE curriculum, it will be recognized as an optional/elective course unit.
Traineeship abroad
If the traineeship cannot be recognized as a mandatory internship, it will be indicated in the diploma supplement (except for the internship after graduation).
In order for the credits to be recognized, the student must consult with the academic/doctoral study coodinator before and after the trip.