Call for papers: Medieval Studies Doctoral Conference

Call for papers: Medieval Studies Doctoral Conference
Since 2010, the Medieval Studies Doctoral Conference has been organised annually by the three doctoral programs of Eötvös Loránd University.

The sixteenth Medieval Studies Doctoral Conference will be held in Budapest on 5–6 June 2025. Christina Lutter (University of Vienna) and Tivadar Vida (Eötvös Loránd University) will be the plenary speakers.

The organisers welcome presentations by PhD students and PhD candidates on the history of medieval Europe and Hungary in English or Hungarian.

Speakers can submit their applications using the attached form, by providing an abstract of no more than 200 words and the requested data. Deadline: 14 March We can provide accommodation for foreign speakers in limited numbers, if necessary. Please let us know your interest using the form.

Duration of the presentations: 15 minutes. Applicants will be informed of the acceptance of their abstracts by 28 March 2025.

For further information, please contact the conference organisers by email:


The organisers intend to publish the papers presented at the conference in the forthcoming volume of the Micae mediaevales series.

PhD student organisers: Boglárka Pardi, Botond Sütő, Virág Varga, Máté Vas