Letaposott kéziratok: Az An-ski expedíciók elveszett klezmere

Letaposott kéziratok: Az An-ski expedíciók elveszett klezmere

2022. november 22. 16:30

Néprajzi Intézet Könyvtára (1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 6–8. fszt. 22.)


2022. november 22. 16:30 -

Néprajzi Intézet Könyvtára (1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 6–8. fszt. 22.)

A Néprajzi Intézet havi rendszerességű előadássorozatának következő vendége Christina Crowder, aki a New York-i Klezmer Intézet digitális projektjeibe nyújt betekintést.

A chance encounter in Tokyo a few years ago led to the sharing of a unique corpus of musical manuscripts from the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine previously unavailable to klezmer musicians and scholars. The Kiselgof-Makonovetsky Digital Manuscript Project is an international digital humanities project connecting participants with the work of important klezmer musicians from late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. This presentation will describe the project methodology, objectives, and current status of the project, focusing on the community-building, crowdsourcing, and collaborative components of the project design. The presentation will also show some of the wonderful music and stories encountered in the musical corpus.

Christina Crowder has been performing and researching Jewish music for nearly thirty years, beginning in Budapest, Hungary in 1993 as a founding member of Di Naye Kapelye, and continuing with a Fulbright grant to Romania to document Jewish music in 1999, and since 2002 with an active research, teaching, and performing career in the US. She is Executive Director of the Klezmer Institute, which has been awarded two NEH Grants for Institute projects (2021-2024). Current projects include compilation of a folio of Jewish-adjacent Moldavian music, and publication of selected field recordings from the Fulbright grant period. Christina lives in New Haven, Connecticut, and performs with her klezmer quartet Bivolița. She also performs regularly with Michael Winograd and the Honorable Mentschen, the Dave Levitt Klezmer Trio and many others. She has been a guest instructor in klezmer accordion and ensemble performance in the US, Canada, and Europe, and was both musical director and performer in the 2019 Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the 2020 ART Portland productions of the Broadway play “Indecent.
