Burukina Irina

Burukina Irina

Résztvevő neve: Dr. Burukina Irina egy. adj.
Résztvevő intézete, tanszéke: Angol-Amerikai Intézet, Angol Nyelvészet Tanszék
Konferencia címe: The 16th conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 16)

Helyszíne: Masaryk Egyetem, Brünn, Csehország
Időpontja: 2023. szeptember 21-23.
Pályázat tárgyköre: Előadás külföldi, nemzetközi konferencián (Regisztrációs díj, szállás- és útiköltség)

SinFonIJA is a well-recognized international conference on formal linguistics organized each year by a different institution in the area of former Yugoslavia and Austria-Hungary. Every year it offers a great opportunity to establish a connection between linguists from various parts of Europe, as well as those from ouside the European Union. It is one of the most important linguistic events in Europe that brings together specialists working on phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and their interfaces.

The main program of SinFonIJA16 consisted of 30 talks and 11 posters presented by researchers from Hungary, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Japan, China, a.o. The main program was accompanied by a workshop on systems of nominal classification, which included 10 more presentations. The conference had four invited speakers – renowned linguists from London, Berlin, Leuven (Belgium), and Budapest.

I presented a talk titled „Hidden epistemic modals: Decomposing ‘promise’ and ‘threaten’”. It is a part of an ongoing project where I examine properties of various control verbs in Russian and correlations between the types of control, the types of complement clauses, and the modal flavors.  

I would like to thank ELTE for supporting my participation in the conference and making it possible for me to present my research at such an important event.