Agni és Szóma a korai ájurvédikus iratokban

Agni és Szóma a korai ájurvédikus iratokban

2019. május 08. 17:30

1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8/A • Ifjúsági épület fszt. 4.


2019. május 08. 17:30 -

1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8/A • Ifjúsági épület fszt. 4.

Az Indológia Tanszék vendégelőadója Dr. Vitus Angermeier, az Universität Wien (Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde) kutatója.

Agni and Soma Revisited: A Primordial Ayurvedic Concept?

Agni and Soma, the essential, idolized elements of the Vedic ritual, give several dubious appearances in the compendiums of early Ayurvedic medicine. As already examined by Dominik Wujastyk in his 2004 study “Agni and Soma: A Universal Classification“, the idea of two polar elements that form a base for several specific substances or even for the whole world represents a clear theme in Ayurvedic literature. While Wujastyk’s essay had a wider scope, discussing this concept’s development throughout South-Asian history, including thoughts on ethnographic evidence and parallels from ancient Greece, in the domain of Ayurveda it is concentrated on certain compound words, containing both terms, occurring in three of the most important compendiums. In this lecture references of both terms in whatever form and from a wider range of classical texts will be presented and examined. On this basis one can gather more information on the topic and get a clearer picture of the development of the Agni/Soma concept within early Ayurvedic medicine.