Guidelines for Applicants for the English Foundation Programme (valid from September 2022)
After we have checked your documents in Dream Apply an ORAL TEST takes place to check your level of language competence.
(Note: We only accept applicants at or above A2 according to CEFR. We do not accept (total) beginners or advanced speakers of the language.)
Oral test
A short interview with the teaching staff. It lasts about 10-15 minutes, there is no retake.
You will have a 10 minute window when you will be expected to take the test. The examiner will call you using google meet, so make sure you give us a gmail address, if you can. We can’t guarantee it works with non-gmail addresses. It is your responsibility to give us an address that we can safely work with. Shortly before your time slot, you will receive an email to your account prompting you to take the call. This will take you to the platform. Here you will have to push a blue button to be let into the call.
The call will be repeated if there is no answer. After the second call, no further calls will be made. The admission procedure will be over for you at this point. Note: you will be picking your time slot for the oral interview (shown in your local time), so make sure you can keep it. This is your responsibility and yours only.
- stable internet connection
- laptop or PC (absolutely no phones for the interview)
- absolutely no headphones or earplugs
- a camera switched on during the whole interview (this is an absolute must, no excuses
- have your passport ready (Be prepared to show the same passport you have previously uploaded to Dream Apply to our staff on camera.)
- have no one else in the room when you take the exam
If you fail to observe these requirements, you will be disqualified. You will also be disqualified if we notice any unusual behaviour on your part (not covered or described above).
What happens if you have technical problems at the oral interview?
- If this happens, you will have to prove to us that you had a technical malfunction (screenshots with clearly visible dates or a note from wifi provider)
- You can try ONE more time. If you miss it, your application will be dropped. You will be able to reapply in the next admission period (next semester).
- An invalid gmail address or one that is incompatible with google services. Providing a working gmail address is your responsibility entirely.
What will the oral exam be about?
You will receive points for:
- General short conversation: introducing yourself, your interests, your current studies. Do not learn a text, speak freely answering the questions you receive.
- Focused, longer conversation on the clarity of future plans for studying in Hungary: we will ask you about your plans with the foundation course in Hungary, your goals with this programme (BA/MA studies that lie in the future for you, etc.). Do not learn a text, do not talk to us about the beautiful scenery of Hungary, you will have to answer short prompt questions that relate to your academic interests.
To get admitted to the programme
You will automatically fail the entrance examination if you
- Have someone take the exam on your behalf
- Do not show your passport during the oral exam
- Use a phone during the oral exam
- Wear headphones/earplugs during the oral exam
- Have no camera switched on all the time during the interview
- Have someone in the room with you when you take the oral exam
- Have someone help you in any other way
Work with us for mutual satisfaction. We deal with hundreds of applications. We know you are stressed out and want to complete the evaluation process as fast as possible, so let’s work on it together: